Narooma, nestled within the Bodalla State Forest, has been transformed by the Narooma Mountain Bike Club’s visionary efforts. Securing a $3.9-million grant from the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund, they have tripled their mountain bike network by adding 65km of singletrack. With trailheads at Red Knob and Box Cutting, this expanded network invites enthusiasts to explore and enjoy the scenic trails.
About Narooma’s tracks and trails
- Situated in the Bodalla state forest.
- Narooma Mountain Bike Club received a $3.9-million grant from the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund to add 65km of singletrack to their handbuilt network – tripling the previous mountain bike network offering.
- There are two trail heads to access the trails – one at Red Knob and the other at Box Cutting.