Tathra, renowned for its cross-country mountain biking allure, boasts approximately 50KM of trails. The iconic “Bundadung,” symbolizing the spirit of the forest, is the very origin of cross-country mountain biking in Tathra. The trailhead, positioned at the Tathra Country Club just 1km north of the town on the Tathra Bermagui Road, beckons riders to embark on a journey of exploration.
About Tathra’s tracks and trails
- Featuring around 50KM of cross-country trails
- The “Bundadung” (Koori word for wombat: the “spirit of the forest”) is the birth place of cross-country mountain biking in Tathra.
- The trail head is located at the Tathra Country Club, 1km north of the Tathra township on the Tathra Bermagui Road.